Frequently Asked Questions
Select Vazhipadu booking Page option from top menu. There you can see the main prathishta details of the Temple.
Select booking Page -> Click on the prethishta you would like to view the vazhipad list of selected Prathista.
1.Select single day booking -> Click on the prethishta you would like to offer the vazhipad.
2.Tick the checkbox and select the vazhipad(offerings) you want.(you can select as many offerings as you like by ticking the checkboxes). on ADD button -> It will save the offerings to the cart.
4.Fill the details of the person to whom the offering has to be made.(you can remove the offering by pressing the cross button on the side). prasadam shipping mode (Choose the way you want to get the prasadam from the temple) on proceed to payment (press the button to do the payment).
(you can select the bank and make the payment by giving the account details. Once you receive the receipt of (offerings)vazhipad, means that your transaction has done sucessfully)
1.Select MULTIDAY BOOKING from the top menu bar.
2.Select the deity(prathishta) you want to offer the vazhipad. the book now button next to the offer you want.
4.Give the details (in whose name the offerings are to be made) fill the name, star, start date, number of days, prasadam shipping mode) add new (You can add any number of people by pressing the add new button on the side).
5.Multi Date filter options
User can search date (star wise, month wise, date wise, Malayalam month wise) The user can search date on which the offerings should be made in the temple. ADD TO CART(details entered will be added to the cart).
7. click the side image –user can see the details of the selected vazhipad (offerings). Delete (if you don’t want that offering, you can remove the offering by pressing the Delete button on the side).
8. press the PROCEED TO PAYMENT button to do the payment. (you can select the bank and make the payment by giving the account details. Once you receive the receipt of (offerings)vazhipad, means that your transaction has done sucessfully)
1. SelectE-KANIKAoption on the top menu bar.
2. Click on offer now button.Enter the details name, amount, date etc
3. Press thePROCEED TOPAYMENTbutton to do the payment. (you can select the bank and make the payment by giving the account details. Once you receive the receipt of (offerings) vazhipad, means that your transaction has done sucessfully).
Select the option for Prasadam Shipping Mode after selecting your vazhipadu if you choose by post you will get prasadam by post. A postal charge will be applicable
Select Review your order & Make Payment button, you can add/delete/edit any booking/transactions throughReplan your order link
If you receive a receipt after payment, it means the vazhipad(offering) has been booked or an SMS will be received from temple as confirmation. You can verify My Transactions link enter the Login ID and Password will get all transaction done by you.
Terms and conditions of the payment and refund policies are briefly described here.
Select the CONTACTUS menu at the top of the can see the phone number, email, address, and location map.